Thursday, December 11, 2008
Pies of the Week and Holiday Menu
First off, happy holidays! Hope everyone isn't going nuts with shopping, family
and all the parties around. With so much going on I appreciate y'all taking the
time to think of making Cutie Pies part of your season.
So... first, the pie of the week! There's two, actually. This week we've got
Chocolate Irish Cream and Sweet Potato Pie. These will be available at the
Saturday Winter Farmer's Market in Pawtucket or can be delivered any day of the
You can find out about the Winter Market, located at the Hope Artiste Village in
Pawtucket: here.
If you'd like to have a pie delivered, just give a call a day before and it'll
be delivered right to your doorstep. Nothing extra.
Now! For the holiday menu. We've expanded it a little bit, added a few favorites
of mine. All orders must be in by Dec. 20th, at the latest. It goes something
like this:
Classic Pecan $25.00
Naughty Pumpkin $24.00
Chocolate Irish Cream $23.00
Dutch Apple $22.00
Eggnog $22.00
Mince $22.00
Traditional Pumpkin $20.00
Sweet Potato $20.00
Our New Years pies (which can also be ordered for the other holidays, if you so
choose) are as follows:
Mocha Cherry Jubilee $24.00
Espresso Chocolate Chip $22.00
Champagne Pie $22.00
Pick up is at the Blue Elephant which is at 312 Wickenden St. from 22nd to the
24th. We're accepting prepay only (cash, check and credit card via PayPal). All
checks should be made out to Cutie Pies and sent to our office at 234 Pleasant
St. Providence, RI 02906.
The Cutie Pie crew, all four of us, now, have been busy bees, but wanted to make
sure y'all knew how much we appreciate you guys all year round and wish you a
peaceful season. Thanks so much, and happy holidays.
Cutiepies - Our only competition is Mom.
(401) 331-2414
Friday, December 5, 2008
Dutch Apple and 'Nog Pie
Long time, no mail. The Thanksgiving holiday was a long wonderful one for Cutie Pies, lots of work but lots of fun. Hope everyone had a great time and that no awful movie family dramas popped up.
That said, I'm happy to announce the Winter Market opening this Saturday from 11-2. It will be at the Hope Artiste Village 1005 Main St. in Pawtucket. A nice, indoor, warm market full of apples, wonderful cheese, aquaculture, bread, coffee and, of course, pie! You can check it out here.
Our pies of the week, which can be gotten at the Market, The Blue Elephant and for delivery, are two holiday classics:
Dutch Apple Pie, beautifully sugared Granny Smith apples baked in a delightful crumble. This is, in fact, taking the place of the Apple Ribbon on our holiday menu.
The other, also on our holiday menu and also a classic is Eggnog pie. Yes, Eggnog, made the same as eggnog, but baked in a lovely pie. The one we'll have at the market is a virgin 'nog, but we can and will add rum on request.
For delivery, just give a call. Being the holidays we'll be doing delivery every day until January 3rd. If there's any questions, comments or holiday orders, just give a shout. All holiday orders do need to be in before Dec. 20th. I'll mail out the full menu on Monday.
Thanks so much and hope to see you at the market!
Cutiepies - Our only competition is Mom.
(401) 331-2414
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Thanksgiving Bonanza
Yes, I know it has been a long time, usually I'm up on this every week. However, with the holidays it has been... well, staggering, which is a good thing. First, let's get to our holiday flavors and I'll go over how to order.
This Thanksgiving we're doing:
Traditional Pumpkin $20.00
Sweet Potato $20.00
Apple Ribbon $22.00
Classic Pecan $25.00
Walnut Maple $25.00
and Naughty Pumpkin Pie $24.00
(The Naughty is Pumpkin fused with brandy and covered in candied pecans.)
I am extending the order deadline date to Friday, November 21st. Get everything in by then or NO PIE!
How to order:
Give us a shout at 401 331-2414 to place an order directly with myself, Iris, or Shea. We'll take care of you. If you get the machine we'll get back to you within the hour. Or drop us an email at cutiepiepies @ cot . net
All orders must be pre-paid. I will not make pies for folks who won't show up. That said you can pay cash or check at the Blue Elephant at 312 Wickenden St. or send a check to our home office. You'll get the address upon your order.
Pickup this year is at the Blue Elephant. Pickup hours are Mon. 24th until Weds. the 26th from 7am til 3pm and Thursday the 27th, Thanksgiving day, from 7am till noon. Please clearly indicate a date at the time you order.
We have stopped taking credit cards, I'm very sorry for that. Our machine was destroyed in a freak office accident (don't ask) and we will not be getting a new one from the company until the 28th.
We have also stopped taking special diet orders. No more sugar free, gluten free or vegan. I'm very sorry, but there were only a limited number of slots and they have been filled. It is too hard to stop and constantly retool the kitchen, so we've taken what we can.
That said, thank you so much, guys! We've had an amazing Holiday season so far and I greatly appreciate it. As soon as Thanksgiving is over we'll be putting out our Christmas, Chanukah and New Years menus. Lots of good stuff in there!
Thank y'all so much for your patents and patronage this season, I thank you and wish you good eating.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Cutie Pies Makes the Election Edition of the Providence Journal
A week ago everything seemed so different for all of us.
Iris and I had a wonderful election day. We got up early to vote and saw a huge amount of our neighbors there in line at our local poll. After that it was off to the dog park to convince a few people more to vote yes on 2 the farm bill in RI. Next we joined the huge crowd of people in the RI Obama offices. Everyone was sitting on the floor wherever they could find a spot and using cell phones to call out to voters in Virginia. We passed out tiny tasters of Sweet Potato Pie, Obama's favorite, to the callers and staff as our thank you for helping. I got to see both our Senators, Sheldon Whitehouse and Jack Reed at HQ and at the ball at the Biltmore afterwards. We stayed long enough to See that Prop #2 passed and we headed home to watch the victory returns and speeches at home.
The Next Morning I Wake UP at 6am.
And I race out to get a Newspaper...
Because I have TWO reasons to buy a paper...
You see, a couple weeks ago the Providence Journal came by to do a story on us. They gave us a choice on whether We'd like it to run on the 5th or the 12th....
Thank god that Iris chose Nov. 5th.
The Projo Story on Cutie Pies Came out in the sold-out election edition of the Providence Journal. And ever since then the Phones Have Been Ringing Off the Hook. We have been inundated with orders for a darn week.
Here's a little sample and link to the story, (you might have to sign up to get to the content but I think you don't have to give them a real mail)
Cutie Pies just right for home enjoyment
01:00 AM EST on Wednesday, November 5, 2008
By Gail CiampaJournal Food Editor

Iris Monroe shows off a pecan pie at the Blue Elephant Restaurant on Wickenden Street in Providence. She is currently taking orders for holiday pies for home use that can be picked up at the restaurant.
The Providence Journal / Bob Thayer
Iris Monroe considers that her Cutie Pies business got started in a Providence dog park earlier this year, but its roots go deeper.
A fourth-generation baker, Monroe learned to cook with her great-grandmother Grant in New Orleans, where Monroe was born. She moved to Providence in 2003, but it wasn’t until she returned home from visiting her mother in Florida last winter carrying a suitcase with 50 pounds of key limes that the pie baker in her was reborn.
She started zesting the limes to make a classic key lime pie when nature called to her dog. Off they went to the dog park where she ran into her friend and fellow dog owner, Jesse. He asked her what smelled so wonderful and she knew it was the aroma from the fresh limes. She told him what she was making and he offered her $20 to make him a pie, too. With all her Southern hospitality, she said she would happily just make him a pie. But he wouldn’t let her do that, what with the cost of ingredients, and she delivered him a pie.
The next time he saw Monroe, he gave her a list of 25 people who wanted to each buy a key lime pie. Thank goodness she brought back all those fresh limes, was her first thought. Her second was this: “That’s a pretty nice profit,” — and she made all the pies and delivered them.
“Then I sat down and started listing all the different pies I knew how to make and I stopped at 400,” she said.
And so her Pie of the Week campaign was born and her customer base became established as was her Web presence at
“I think if I have 1,000 patrons, I can make a living and hire others,” she said. “Because what is better than pie?”
Take a look at the link for the rest of the article. You'll see why we've been so busy. The Projo even listed all the types of holiday pies we are making for Thanksgiving this year.
We are going in for Bake night tonight.
Our Flavors available in Cutie Pie form at the Blue Elephant will be Apple Ribbon and Sweet Potato. We will be taking Thanksgiving orders through Nov. 17th. That's five days left for you to order a delicious pie for Thanksgiving.
Thank goodness we here at Cutie Pies have so much to be thankful for this year, we hope you do as well.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The He-Can Pecan
Wow, what an amazing couple of days!! I would love to go into the politics of it all, but will simply say I'm joyful and any falling all over myself will happen in personal blogs and strictly with friends.
That said, let's head into different politics! Tuesday before last I ran into David Cicilline, Mayor of our fair city, at a neighborhood business association meeting. He was so tickled over my election pies that I offered to make one for him. I have, after all, voted for the man.
So I've come up with the He-Can Pecan, a wonderful Chocolate Pecan pie. I know Pecan Pie is sweet, but with a chunk of dark chocolate at the bottom it is perfect with just a little more. We've made this the pie of the week, so delivery will be this Friday between 5:30-7. This pie is $24 because, as I'm sure you can understand, these ingredients are a little more expensive.
We've also got Chocolate Puddin' Pie up for you at the market. It's not very jiggly, just moist in the middle with a power punch of chocolate. After last week, I felt chocolate was in order. This pie, should you like to order it, is only $20, just like usual.
Get your orders in before Thursday at NOON!
Today, Wednesday, is the last farmer market of the season, at least for Cutie Pies. We are going to be at the Winter Market, which starts on Dec. 6th, that's a Saturday, at the American Locomotive Company on Vally St. Do join us, there's going to be a whole lot of wonderful farmers, bread bakers, cheese makers and, of course, Cutie Pies, for your eating pleasure.
Now, on to Thanksgiving.
Cutie Pies was featured in the ProJo's Food and Lifebeat section today. The calls and emails have been... ah... well, overwhelming is a good word. I recommend y'all get your holiday orders in as soon as you can, because we're cutting off after 1,500. We're not there yet, but it won't be long. Pick up a ProJo, it's a pretty good article.
What flavors are we offering this season, you ask?
Sweet Potato Pie $20
Traditional Pumpkin Pie $20
Apple Ribbon $22
Naughty Pumpkin Pie $24 (fused with brandy and covered with candied pecans)
Walnut Maple $25
Classic Pecan Pie $25
We'll be taking orders via email and over the phone, the number is located at the bottom of this post. All orders are pre-pay and pick up is from Monday the 24th to Thanksgiving day, Thursday the 27th at the Blue Elephant. Yes, you can order at the Blue Elephant as well. Payment: We'll be taking credit cards, cash or check. Whatever is best for you.
Ok, so I'm very excited about the future, not just in pie world, but in all the world. I hope you guys feel this, too, and join me in working toward better days. And, of course, eat some really good pie. Thanks, and hope y'all had as good a night last night as I did.
Cutiepies - Our only competition is Mom.
Make your holiday order NOW!
(401) 331-2414
cutiepiepies @ cox DOT net
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Election Pie Extravaganza
Well first off, let me apologize for last week, we've been having some email issues and figured out that Cox isn't a very good provider. Again. We did do the markets, did deliveries as usual, but it seems no one knew that. After much yelling I think the situation is sorted.
So this weeks pies... and yes, I said "pies", because we'll deliver any of our FOUR pies this week, are election pies. One for each candidate. Keep in mind, I express myself through food, so if you happen to be for the candidate I'm not then you may not love my choices. That's ok. Remember all is in fun.
So this year we've chosen Sweet Potato pie for Barack Obama. It happens to be his favorite pie and that man has been doing for pies what Sex in the City did for Cupcakes. He mentions pie all the time now. Yea!
Ultra Vanilla is for Biden. Ok, you may think that's a dig at him, but not really, he just has the whitest teeth I've ever seen on a person. That can't be natural.
I had to make Prune Cream for Mr. McCain. He just has a look that asks for it.
For Sarah Palin I've created a very special pie. It's called Caribou Barbie's Moose Breath. It's.... well, not edible, let's just say that. A combination of chocolate chunks, marshmallow fluff, shotgun shells, fur, a snowmobile spark plug and a hockey puck. Yup, it all fits in a pie.
For any of these pies you can order online or pick up the phone, we'll be delivering on Friday between 5-7, please specify what time you'd like and include your address for home pie delivery.
We're also having our last Friday farmer market at Burnside Park. I know, it's been nice but things are about to be way too cold for everyone to keep going. We'll be out there this Friday from 11-2. Hope to see you there!
Today, Wednesday, is the second to last Brown University market. 11-2, corner of Thayer and George, be there or be square.
I have some exciting news, Cutie Pies is doing an interview with the ProJo this Thursday and will have a large spread in this Sunday's paper. Right on! Pick one up, take a look.
Also on the 4th and 5th of November, next week, you can stop in at the Blue Elephant or at the Wednesday farmer market with your I Voted sticker or stub from your absentee ballad, and get a free Sweet Potato Tiny Taster. Just a little bite to say thank you for voting, and you won't hear me tell you *who* to vote for, just enjoy some pie.
Well, that's it folks, I'm late for the market, hope to see y'all there and hope everyone is having a wonderful week.
Cutiepies - Our only competition is Mom.
Now available at the Blue Elephant, Blue State Coffee, City Girls Cafe, Brooklyn Tea Room, and for whole pie delivery.
Look for your favorite Cutie Baker at your local Farmers' Market!
(401) 331-2414
cutie pie pies @
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Pumpkin makes Fall fall
Just a quick check in on the pies of the week. First off, I know this Friday is Halloween, but we're still going to be delivering. We've expanded our delivery hours for the rest of the season from 5-7:30. If an earlier or later time works better for you, let us know and we'll work you in as best we can. You can also arrange to pick up at the Blue Elephant on Wickenden.
Ok, so the pie of the week is Pumpkin. Yes, I know, very pedestrian for me, yes, yes. And I'm not going to do anything strange to it like fuse maple into it or chipped beef or anything remotely weird. Just Pumpkin. Because, let's face it, y'all, sometimes you don't have to mess with a classic.
Also this week I'm offering up something a little twisted, but not much, a Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie. I know some of you will have your fill of Pumpkin at the holidays, so I'm appealing to your sweet tooth with this classic, layered delight. Growing up this meant the adults were having Mince pie or Charcoal Tooth pie (very dark, almost bitter chocolate with lava hot fudge in the middle), but us kids would get Chocolate Peanut Butter. Which was fine by me. it brings back everything I love about Halloween, getting to dress up and act a fool.
I can do Pumpkin in gluten free, low sugar and vegan.
I can do Chocolate in gluten free only.
For any special dietary needs on these pies GET YOUR ORDER IN NOW! We will not accept any special dietary order past Midnight Wednesday.
All other orders can be placed by Thursday at 3pm. Just email or call and we'll get you in.
Also this week we'll be at the Brown University farmers market this Wednesday from 11-2, right off the corner of Thayer and George. There's only two more weeks of this market, so get in while the gettin' is good.
We'll also be at the Downtown Burnside Park market on Friday from 11-2. That's right across the street from Kennedy Plaza. For more information on directions, give a peek here.
Last, we're going to be at this year's Winter Market starting on December 6th. We've got a new location at the American Locomotive Works on Valley St. It is a much bigger venue than last year, which means we'll have a lot more vendors and different products for y'all. Come on out and take a peek. Info here.
Finally, we'll be rolling out our Thanksgiving next week. I highly recommend y'all get an order in if you want one, availability is filling up fast. Hope everyone is having a great week and I look forward to seeing all y'all at the markets or on the delivery route. Happy Halloween!!
Cutiepies - Our only competition is Mom.
Now available at the Blue Elephant, and for whole pie delivery.
Check out your local farmers market for your favorite Cutie baker!
(401) 331-2414
cutiepiepies @
Monday, October 20, 2008
RI Monthly Newsletter
Hey there, y'all!
First off, thank y'all for your interest in Cutie Pies and our products. If you're receiving this you've asked about our pies after reading a little blurb in RI Monthly's e-newsletter. And yea for it! There's been a lot of response, so we're coming across with this one big letter. Here's the answers to all your questions:
Where can I get a Cutie Pie?
*For now you can find us at the Brown University Farmers Market on Wednesdays between 11-2. It is located at the intersection of Thayer and George on the East Side. You can find directions here:
The market is actually in a quad off George, so follow the flow of students students and you should see us.
*You'll also find us at the Downtown Farmers Market on Fridays between 11-2.
That one is held in Burnside Park, right across from Kennedy Plaza. You can find directions here:
*When it turns too cold for the outdoor markets you'll find us at the Winter Market every Saturday at the American Locomotive Works. That market starts December 6 and runs until April 25. That information is here:
*We also have a Friday Pie Service. Every Friday between 6-7 pm we deliver the pie of the week. To order you simply call or email by THURSDAY at 3PM with the address you'd like your pie delivered to. You may also arrange for your pie to be picked up at the Blue Elephant, but must do so before 3PM on Friday. If you'd like your pie at another time, not a problem, just call us at Cutie Pies and we'll work it out with you.
How can I order pie?
*For now just through the blog, email, or by picking up the phone and calling Cutie Pies (401 331-2414) or the Blue Elephant (401 383-8149). We have, in the past, delivered to other restaurants, but with the holidays coming up we've decided to concentrate on Thanksgiving. Our business is small and I prefer dealing directly with my customers.
Where is the Blue Elephant?
*The Elephant is located at 312 Wickenden St. It's the bright pink house up from Coffee Exchange. You can check out there website here:
Can I order something other than the pie of the week?
*In general, no. I offer up two flavors every week and pretty much stick to them, if I didn't I'd have to make forty different kinds in a night to keep up, and that's a little unreasonable. However, I'm not unreasonable and understand that not everyone wants pumpkin cheese for as a birthday pie. For birthday, anniversary and special occasion pies, I will make exceptions, but only within reason. Please don't ask for blueberries in December, I can't work miracles.
What flavors do you have for Thanksgiving?
*Ah yes. This is a great season for pie. This year we're offering:
Apple Ribbon Pie - Thinly sliced apple spread open faced like a flower, baked perfectly and lightly spiced. Our most award winning pie. $22.00
Traditional Pumpkin Pie - This might be the first handmade classic pumpkin you'll ever have. $20.00
Pecan Pie - Thick and rich, our classic Thanksgiving. $25.00
Sweet Potato Pie - Spicy and sweet, a Southern classic. $20.00
Walnut Maple Pie - Like a Pecan but with a mid-western flair. $25.00
Naughty Pumpkin Pie - A traditional pumpkin pie fused with Brandy and topped with candied, brandied pecans. This pie is so good it wants to be spanked. $24.00
*If you have any special needs, gluten free, sugar free, vegan, etc. add $2.00 to the cost of your pie.
*The cutoff date for ordering is Nov. 17th.
How do I pay for my pie?
*I hadn't expected things to blow up as quickly as they have. For now we've been working COD or pick up, but will have a paypal account set up by Wednesday. We accept credit cards through the Blue Elephant.
Alright.... oh, last, lots of folks asked how to find out about the pie of the week. Easy, just check the blog. Also I've got a weekly newsletter I send out every Monday, that tells y'all of any new updates, what's happening in the world of pie and what the pies are this week.
Just to let you know this week we're offering up Pumpkin pie, just to whet your holiday appetite and Chocolate Peanut Butter. Check us out at the markets or give a shout.
Thanks to everyone for your interest and thanks so much for taking the time to consider Cutie Pies. I know this all might seem a little weird, but we're just a little business that started out of no where. Within the next year we'll have a pie shop in town and things will be easier. Oh, and for those of you who already put in orders, you're down for this week. Thanks so much!
Cutiepies - Our only competition is Mom.
Now available at the Blue Elephant, your local farmer's market and for whole pie delivery.
(401) 331-2414
You like pie? So do I.
Now, I've said I wouldn't push my political views with my business, but there is a reason to post this. We at Cutie Pies are going to put election day pies. Four of them to represent each candidate, and you could choose whatever election day pie fit your fancy. I'd invented a pie for each, the Obama pie being Aloha Obama! a Pineapple Pine nut pie... but after this little clip I had to choose Sweet Potato. Barack really likes Sweet Potato. Take a peek.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Our Cutie Pie lady needs to call in sick this
Hello Everybody,
This is Shea with an announcement for Cutie Pies.
Iris our lovely hard-working pie lady has taken ill this week. She has
the cold that has been going around and will be out sick for this week.
As much as i like to think that i help around the kitchen, I can't do
the special cutie pie thing that Iris does so we won't be attending our
usual farmer's markets at Brown and Burnside. Unfortunately this will
also mean no friday delivery this week.
Please wish her better health in the future. We are looking to resume
full pie production as of Wed Oct 15th.
Thanks you all.
Sean Shea
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Apple Ribbon and Mocha Surprise
Well, it looks like we're going to get more and more and more and more rain! Almost feels like the south in summer when it just starts raining around noon and doesn't cut out until sundown.
Anyway, with the rain we wont be at the Wednesday Brown University market. Pie does not do well in rain, folks, and it will be wall to wall tomorrow. I also do not do well in rain. Hair product and makeup everywhere, not a pretty sight. Thankfully the storms around New England didn't do that much damage.
We will be at the Friday market, no worries. Unless there's a mudslide. Or a flood. Or lightening. Something along those lines. You can find the location here:
The hours on that are between 11-2:30
Deliveries are on Friday as usual, between 6-7.
Now the pie o'the week. We're featuring one of my personal favorites, Mocha pie. I love coffee like almost nothing else, powers me right though the day on a happy little caffeine buzz. This little pie is sweet coffee layered over a whipped chocolate. Leaves me in a puddle every time.
The other pie this week is my Apple Ribbon. While I've featured this pie a few times, it's a classic and the Brown market hasn't had it yet. Alas, they wont again this week.
For this reason I'll be making both pies available for delivery this week. Something I don't often do. I'd also like everyone to maybe try the Apple Ribbon because it's one of our Thanksgiving pies.
The Mocha can be done gluten free, but not sugar free or vegan.
The Apple Ribbon can be don gluten free, sugar free and vegan. Yea! Everyone wins!
For these special orders please contact us before 9am on Thursday morning. All other orders should be in by 3 pm on Thursday afternoon.
No other special events this week, kind of boring after all the hubbub last week. We had a great time at the Food for Thought benefit, met a lot of wonderful folks, ate lots of great food, handed out tons of little tiny pies, and, of course, got to help out with a fantastic cause. I'd encourage all to take part next year, I know Cutie Pies will.
Thanks so much, folks, we'll be looking forward to seeing you at the markets or on the delivery route! Hope everyone is having a beautiful week.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Chai and Pear Tango
Alright, I've always wanted to call you guys my cutie pies, but having done it once I'll never ever do it again. Just got it out of my system. Ok, so hope everyone had a good week and is looking forward to the wonder of official fall. But first....
Thanks to everyone that's sent their kind words and support. It was a tough week for me and my family, but your thoughts did follow me down south. And your flowers, too!! Thank you to VJ for sending a lovely bouquet to the service, that really was above and beyond. I'm grateful to all y'all.
Which is why, when I came back to some surprisingly chilly weather, I thought to give y'all something to warm the night chills out of your bones. The pie of the week this week is perfect for fall. It's called Erin's Sweet Chai Pie, named after a beautiful redheaded friend of mine who happens to love chai and gave me the idea.
This spicy, sweet little thing is as close as you can get to a pumpkin pie without cracking a squash. Also very surprising, the last thing you'd expect is a creamy, sweet, spicy pie made from tea. And yes, it is defiantly made from tea. Something you have to experience to believe.
To order the pie of the week for home delivery just give a shout by email or phone before noon on Thursday, and it'll magically appear. As with most pies, this one is $20 and that's COD.
Not to disappoint those wishing to hold on to summer, I've got a lil' somethin' somthin' for y'all, too. Pears are still lovely right now, and we haven't had any pear pies this year, such a shame, so I've brought y'all White Chocolate Pear Glaze. Yes, I know, not a very exciting name, but I'm working on it.
This one is a subtle pear glazed over with a honey and clove glaze then laced with white chocolate. Very soft, sweet, almost a tender embrace for your tongue. Maria, one of my very best friends in Providence, hates pears with a passion, and yet sat with this one and gobbled it up. Says it must be right on to me. This pie will only be at the markets this week.
The Chai pie can be done gluten free, sugar free and vegan. The White Chocolate Pear Glaze can be done gluten free, sugar free, but not vegan. If you need any of these contact us via email or phone as soon as you can. Special orders take a little more time, so keep that in mind when ordering.
Speaking of special orders, I love birthday orders. I mean, c'mon, what rocks more than a birthday? Especially when it isn't yours. We got a Cutie first, and I always love our firsts, a young lady named Emma ordered a vegan pie for her birthday, which is very cool. She picked out an Apple Raspberry Crisp, which I made mile high in my excitement. What makes this a first is that this is Emma's first year as a vegan, and it's our first vegan birthday pie. Yea on us all, everyone wins and I so love that.
And finally, this Thursday we're going to be at Food for Thought, an excellent benefit run by the Genesis Center which works very hard to feed the hungry. As far as I see it, you get to eat great food and people who really need food get to eat great food, too. Yea! We all win! I love that.
Not only do you get to see Cutie Pies there, but some of my absolutely most favorite restaurants in Rhode Island, like CAV, Apsara , of course the Blue Elephant, my good friends at Sin, El CentroAmericano, Sunrise Land Shrimp (yes, the bug guy!) Trinity Brewhouse and Aspire just to name a very few. C'mon out Thursday night between 5:30 and 9, eat, drink and kick up your heels. You know you want to. For more information take a peek here:
Alright, that's about it for this week, see you at the Wensday market at Brown and at the Downtown Friday market from 11-2. Have a wonderful week and break out your sweaters!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Coconut Turtles swim with Strawberries
Wow, a whole lot going on this week, and a few changes to our schedule. But only for this week. First let's get to the pie o'the week.
You like coconut cream pie, right? Ok, well add chocolate and caramel to it and make it a coconut turtle. Decadent isn't even the word. Smooth, creamy, chocolate and caramel laced, chunked out with lots of coconut and velvety perfect. Those of you that have had our regular coconut cream have touched heaven, now you can live there.
Our other feature pie is Strawberry Vanilla Twist. It is my grandmother's second favorite pie in the world - her favorite being a sweet potato with baked in cheddar cheese, but I didn't think that would sound as nice to as many people.
Ah, but the Twist. Take my beautiful flaky pie crust, layer the bottom with fresh strawberries, cover them in a thick, rich vanilla custard goo and bake together. The berries and vanilla mingle into something light, delicate and wonderful, like a first kiss or a perfect blue day.
As to this week's changes. I'm sorry for any inconvenience, but there will be no Friday market, and unless you've already ordered the pie for home delivery this Friday evening, you can't get it to your door. We will only be doing the Wensday Brown farmers' market on Thayer and George. You can find directions and maps here:
I'm presenting my grandmother's second favorite pie because she passed away early Sunday morning. I have to head down south for the services, and, of course, to help my mother. I will be returning in time for next week's markets and will have something wonderful in hand. But for this week... well, there's a lot going on, as I'm sure y'all can imagine.
Obviously I won't be providing any gluten free, vegan or sugar free options this week. Again, I apologize. Next week will be something perfect for y'all, I promise.
The only other thing I can think of is Food for Thought. Cutie Pies has joined up with over a dozen other restaurants and foodies to serve at their annual event at Rodger Williams Park. It's a good cause and a good time, check it out here:
In other good news and excellent causes, I have to thank everyone over the last two weeks. We've raised over $1000 for hurricane relief. Thank you. It is small, yes, but every bit counts.
That's it for this week, folks. Sorry if all's a little glum, but I'll be back next week all chipper and full of cuteness. Hope everyone is having a wonderful week.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Falling in Love with Pie
We've been working really hard over here at Cutie Pies to bring y'all some new things, or at least new options. I, personally, love many choices, so it goes to figure I'd make sure you guys have as many as we can think of over here.
Usually I'll pop out something strange like an orange pumpkin this time of year, but I'll save that for later in the season. Instead I'm following up last week's Chicago Blues pie with something just as sensual, but not quite as unusual.
This week is Falling in Love. So named because it's considered, in my neck of Louisiana, to be a spell pie. You feed this thing to someone you want to fall in love with you, or even better, split it, and who could help but feel romantically toward you? We're talking a rich chocolate crust filled with organic dark chocolate, fresh mashed up raspberries and swirled with a mint ribbon.
I'd love you if you served that to me!
Sometimes, when you feel the weather start to turn a little wet and you know fall is on the way, you can't help but want someone to curl up with to watch the leaves. This is my way of making that happen. For home delivery just give a call or email. Deliveries are on Friday between 6-7, and this wistful little pie is $20.
Also this week we'll be featuring Lemon Blueberry Pop! at our markets Downtown and at Brown. Yes, I know we just did this two weeks ago, but it is still a tremendous pie and was requested by one of my most favorite clients of all time, so I couldn't resist. There will be no other repeats for the rest of the year. Yeah, I know, I rock.
The Falling in Love pie can be done gluten free, but not vegan or sugar free. Sorry guys, just way too rich and far too much chocolate. Next chocolate one will at least be vegan friendly. The Lemon Blueberry Pop! can be done gluten free and sugar free. Vegans kinda lose out this week, I'll make it up to you next week.
In other news we've just signed on with Food For Thought, a big Providence/Rhode Island food fest happening on the 24th of this month, I'll post more details when I get some. Also I'll be on Jen's Dish on the 24th of this month promoting Cutie Pies, talking about Food For Thought and just talking about the wonder that is good food. Again, more details next week. Oh! This is *VERY* exciting news, I've actually got someone to work on the website so it'll actually be pretty and more updated. Yea! I don't have to do it all anymore! So keep an eye out, there's a lot developing over here and I'm so happy to get to share it with y'all.
Oh, last thing, from now on the mailer is going be sent out on Mondays. I do apologize for any inconvenience, but it makes sense with us doing the Brown market on Wednesdays.
That is it , folks! Hope everyone is having a delightful week, despite the rain.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Chicago Blues - Bluest Pie Around
Welcome back to the Cutie Pie news letter and greetings to all the new folks! Hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday weekend. Labor is always a good thing.
Now, before I go any further I'd like to say that I'm very concerned for my fellow New Orleanians and Louisianans. Things are not as bad as with Katrina, but it's still kinda bad. All Cutie proceeds this week are going toward relief effort. I know it isn't much, but right now it's the least I can do.
At least you can feel better about stretching out your diet and getting a pie.
So! The pie of the week! This week I'm offering up my Chicago Blues: a chocolate crust filled with a dark chocolate/fudge filling, smashed with blackberries and blueberries. It is a dark, rich, deep soul fulfilling pie that echos some of my favorite things about the end of summer and the come on of fall. Chocolate is in, berries will soon be out, so we mix the two.
Also this week I'll be featuring my Orange Buttercream Dream. That's the pie that tastes like a light, fluffy pie version of a Orange Creamsicle. I figure with such a dark and rich pie there should be a balance with a light, silky one. Both are excellent.
The Chicago Blues can be done gluten free, but not vegan or sugar free.
The Orange Buttercream can be done gluten free and vegan, but not sugar free. I need to be notified for these types of special orders by Wednesday afternoon. I know it's short notice, I'll get the mail out on Mondays from now on, promise.
For all other orders just give a shout before Thursday night for Friday evening delivery. Call, email, flag me down, send a carrier pidgin.
Also we're starting a new market on Wednesday! Yea! The Blown University farmer's market runs from 11-2 at Wriston Quad on Thayer St And George St.
You can find directions and maps here:
That's about all for this week, we'll see you at the markets and on delivery days. Hope everyone's having a good week and closing out the summer with joy.
Cutiepies - Our only competition is Mom.
Now available at the Blue Elephant, Blue State Coffee, Hudson St. Market
(SOON!),Cuban Revolution, City Girls Cafe, Boston Tea Room, Eddie C's Salon (Saturdays only), Ten Minute Max (Sept!) and for whole pie delivery.
Look for your favorite Cutie Baker at your local Farmers' Market!
(401) 331-2414
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Labor Day Means Lemons!
Its great to get to mail y'all every week, I always look forward to it.
With the end of summer rapidly approaching, it got me thinking of all the wonderful fruits and berries the season brings and how much I'm going to miss them. Even if the fall brings in pumpkins and apples, there's nothing like a great Key Lime or fresh raspberry to really rev you up.
So instead of diving headlong into the chocolate creams and honey tarts fall will bring, I'm holding on to the citrus and berry as long as possible. For Labor Day we're featuring my favorite lemon pie of all time, Lemon Blueberry Pop!
It must have an exclamation point at the end of it. Because it POPS!
Imagine a sweet, tart lemon, something of a cross between a Lemon Meringue filling and a Lemon Cream. Now add brilliant Blueberries baked in whole. Yeah, it really is that good.
To me summer is full of these contrasting flavors, sweet and sour, soft and bright, perfect and bitter all rolled into one. To me there is no better pie to mark the official end of summer than this pie.
For delivery of this Popping! pie, just email or call before Thursday evening. Delivery is Friday between 6-7, and as usual this one costs a cool 20 bucks.
As for the market, we're at Burnside Park this Friday between 11-2:30 and will soon start the Brown University market in early September. Y'all will get more info on that as it comes up. Cutie Pies will also be at the Heritage Festival at Slater Mill and at the downtown holiday fest this December. Again, more info as events draw near.
As for other pies, I'm thinking maybe Apple or perhaps a honey cream will show up at the market. For those y'all will just have to come down and take a look. Remember to have fun this weekend, be safe on the roads and make lemonade out of lemons. Enjoy the summer.
Cutiepies - Our only competition is Mom.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Key Lime, Oh My!
Time for the pie of the week, and this one is exciting. As I previewed y'all last week, I have key limes, bunches of them. So the pie of the week is the pie that started Cutie Pies out of the gate, a traditional Florida Key Lime pie.
Because I don't have tons of key limes this is a deliver/reserve pie only, don't expect any of these to show up at the farmers' market unless you've arranged for pick-up there. This is one of my most popular flavors, so be warned, they'll go fast.
In other news, I'll be catering a wedding right after the Burnside Farmers' Market on Friday, so delivery is going to be between 6:30 and 7 this week. I'm sorry for any inconvenience. You can request a Thursday delivery if that timing doesn't work for you. Just please make sure your order is in by Thursday evening at the very latest.
And though it didn't rain last Friday (I feel like beating up the next weatherman I see), we'll be at the market this Friday no matter what. Who knows, I might even be able to talk my mom into coming along to meet all y'all. She's a real pistol, so be forewarned!
Also, Cutie Pies has something a little exciting going on. On Wednesday, tomorrow, we're being profiled by French Dressing, a great little food/style/arts blog. I'll have the link up on the Cutie Pie site soon as it comes out. And yes, I swear, we are currently working on making the Cutie blog nicer and adding elements, I promise, they haven't all been published just yet.
Alright, well, I guess that's all for this week. Hope everyone is having a wonderful week, enjoying the last bit of summer and maybe taking a day or two off to fill up on sunshine.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Raining Peaches
Well, this is going to be a strange week. There will be no market for Cutie Pies this Friday, half due to the forecast of rain, the other because of the tons of company we've been having. The rain, as I see it, is a sign to take a small, tiny break.
That said, we're still delivering pie of the week this week, which is Vanilla Peach. A delightful little pie, peachy, fragrant, a soft hint of vanilla, a perfect bite to have in the rain with someone you love.
If you'd like this wonderful pie delivered just give a shout. Because we're not doing the market it is a free for all, so you can have delivery any day this weekend, starting Friday Morning. I can work around your schedule a little more than usual. Call or email with your order, and this is, as usual a $20 pie.
The Peach Vanilla can be done gluten free, vegan or sugar free, whatever your dietary needs require, just let me know.
Also keep an eye out for next week, I've got something very special coming down the line. Remember all that company that I mentioned? My mother is coming in from Florida bringing all kinds of Key Lime love, just for y'all. This will not be a market pie, simply because it sells out too quickly. Jump on it and let me know if you'd like a pre-order.
That's it for this week. Keep an eye on the Cutie Pie Blog as we're actually going to be writing features and posting pics here over the weekend. Hope everyone is having a lovely week and the rain doesn't cancel any plans.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Almonds and Cherries Mix
The only thing I can say about this week's selections is that if you happen to be allergic to nuts, delete this email now! Maybe it was a little oversight on my side, but everything has nuts this week. However, if you ask nicely, I'll make something special for our not so nut inclined friends.
So the pie of the week! This week is an Upside Down Almond Cherry. Ok, perhaps I can't present it to you as upside down, that might not travel well, but you can serve it upside down, as it is intended. Otherwise it is a delightful almond cherry fusion with little slivers of almonds in the filling as well as baked into the crust. A heady aroma paired with a tremendous flavor!
Also at the market this week we'll be rolling out The Blue Elephant's signature pie, the Peanut Butter Blueberry. If you can eat peanuts and like PB&J sandwiches, this is the pie for you. It tastes a million times better than just a normal PB&J, more like the best one you've ever had.
Important: The Almond Cherry can be done gluten free, vegan and sugar free. The Peanut Butter Blueberry can be done gluten free, vegan, but not sugar free. Please indicate your dietary needs in your order.
To order either give us a call or email for delivery or to hold one for you at the market. Remember to hit the Blue Elephant for a Cutie Pie or just for a really good breakfast. That's all for this week, hope everyone's doing well, and yes I know I need to update my blog better, working on it!
Hope you guys are having a great week and we'll see you at the market!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Back to Market With Cherries
As most of y'all know we skipped market last week because of the foul weather
(which decided to clear up at the end, rats!), so we're heading back this week
with some new flavors and a repeat.
Let's hope the weather holds out.
So for all you cherry loving folks, the time has finally arrived. Yup, cherries
are here! And while I have many, many different flavors of cherry pie, we're
going to start out with a very simple, classic... well, Cherry Pie. Complete
with golden lattice crust and warm memories of hot August days and every
favorite picnic. Yes, the perfect, sweet, juicy cherry.
I have a fondness for cherries that I don't quite have for other fruits. Growing
up in the south we had plenty of oranges, limes, lemons, so much so that, as
kids, we'd use them as ammunition on each other. Grapefruits were great for
that. Big splat! But cherries were rare and only came in late summer, only when
you knew school was just around the corner and soon the hot afternoons and rain
showers would temper out into something a little more crisp. Cherries, for me,
were the last hoora of freedom. So here we present our perfect cherry pie.
For delivery of the Pie of the Week, give a call or email by Thursday evening.
This pie is 20 bucks flat on delivery and will arrive between 6-7 Friday
evening. Give a shout!
In other news, I've heard a lot of disappointment over the Blue Moon pie. Not
many folks got it and wanted to, so I'm going to run it again for the market
this week. If, for some odd reason, you can't get to the market, I will do a one
time exception and allow this secondary pie for delivery on Friday. Just let me
Also this week you'll find that Banana Cream Pie I've been wanting to put out
there. For some reason I've been hankering for a good Banana Cream. Hope you
have, too. That one will be at the market only.
Hope to see you downtown at the Burnside Park/Kennedy Plaza Market. We're still
up in the air about Broad St, so will keep you up to date on that one. Seeing
how it's only Tuesday (sorry to remind you) have a great rest of the week and
remember to do something special for yourself.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Blue Moon Rising
Hope the week is treating you well, but keep the weekend in mind and any events you might have coming up. You never know, a handmade pie might be just the thing to bring to a cookout!
That said, let's get to the pie of the week. It's called Blue Moon, and was one of my Mimaw Grants favorites. Mostly because it is a simple, delicious pie, but because it fused two things she loved, Key Lime pie and Blueberry pie. Growing up in the south we didn't often get fresh blueberries, so my ingenious great grandmother came up with the excellent idea to make a blueberry pie using the idea behind a Key Lime.
Now don't be fooled, this will taste nothing like a Key Lime pie, but it will have the same consistency, tartness and texture. Only with blueberries! It is a fantastic, fresh way of turning the blueberry on its' head, making your tongue dance and all your friends saying Oooooh and Ahhhhhh!
To order a Blue Moon, get in touch with us via email or phone before Thursday afternoon. Deliveries will be Friday evening between 6-7. This pie is $20, plain and simple.
Also at the Burnside Market in Downtown Providence we'll have my world famous Banana Cream Pie! Don't miss that one if you're in the area.
As to other events, we will not be at the Broad St. market this week. There is a question as to whether that is a viable market for Cutie Pies, so we're taking a closer look.
We've also hooked up with Ten Minute Max, a wonderful whole dinner service (imagine, a ready or near ready to eat meal delivered! And tons of variety and very healthy! Amazing!) and will be adding pie to their menu this September. For more information on Ten Minute Max contact Lisa Kesser at
As always, thanks so much for making Cutie Pies apart of your week, hope everyone is having a beautiful - and not as humid - day!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Eachy Peachy Pie!
Let me start this week by thanking everyone again for letting us contact you each week to let you know what's going on with Cutie Pies and for being such a great support. I so look forward to seeing each one of you every week at the markets or delivering to your door. So far this has been a wonderful experience, thank you.
That said, I've been missing home these past few weeks. As most of y'all know I'm just a southern gal and look forward to certain foods that just aren't up here. Namely, peach pie. I've had the biggest craving for peach pie and hope you guys are feeling it, too.
Just think, soft, sweet, succulent peach pie goo dribbling down your chin, wrapped in the tenderest of crusts. Oh yes, it's peach time. We've just received a load of peaches that can't wait to settle down in someone's happy tummy. So yes, Peach is our flavor of the week. Wonderful, perfect peach.
Also going on this week: We may not be at the Broad St. Market this Saturday. We're waiting to see if our wailing, crying and pleading over the past few weeks will get Cutie Pies of the waiting list and into the vendor's stands at this week's Indy Art Fest down at Burnside Park this Saturday.
If you haven't heard about this, it's a fantastic event with music all day, the Rock'n Roll Yard Sale and a Water Fire to boot. To see a list of events just go here.
Even if Cutie Pies doesn't get in, go on down anyway (after visiting us on Broad St), lots of fun to be had and a wonderful time for the whole family.
That said, we'll be at Burnside Park this Friday from 11-2:30 and will have many delights on hand to tempt your diet. Think peach. Fuzzy, warm, sweet peach. Have a wonderful day, y'all!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Blackberry Creamsicle & New Market!
Yes, I'm a little late this week, but with good reason. We've been having a heck of a time getting together our Pie of the Week, and as I don't want to throw out pies we've done before we've been on a great hunt for blackberries. Yes, sweet, tart, sometimes stinging blackberries.
Now I know you guys don't think these black beauties are the sweetest of berries, but when in a Blackberry Creamsicle Pie, they are all kinds of sweet and fun. Order up before tomorrow evening (sorry again about the long wait) and get delivery on Friday evening. You can call or email and just like that you get a pie.
We're also starting up a new Farmers' Market this week, while still doing the Friday market at Burnside park downtown we'll also be heading out to the Broad St. market on Saturdays from 9-1. It is supposed to be right at the Algonquin House. You can find directions here.
At the markets this week we'll have, in addition to the Blackberry Creamsicle, Blueberry Star Pies and Strawberry Chocolate Chunk.
Well, if I don't hear from anyone about delivery, make sure to stop in and say hi at one of the markets. As always thank you for your continued support and here's hoping y'all are having wonderful weeks.
PREVIEW: In my next post there will be pie pics as well as our full flavor list. Want to learn more about the Cutie Pie philosophy? Read this.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
*Wednesday, June 25*
It's your favorite Cutie Pie lady with lots of great news this week, and of
course, the pie of the week!
First I have some really neat news, Cutie Pies was chosen by the Mayor's office as business of the week. YEA! I did an interview with the lovely Eliza, the neighborhood communications director, and it'll be online in the Mayor's Newsletter tomorrow to take a gander at. You can sign up for the newsletter here:
Some other really cool news is our blueberries!! We've lucked on some early
organic blueberries, So our Pie of the Week is
If you would like a Pie of the Week Delivery, just write back with your address and a yes. We deliver on Fridays between 6-7pm. You can also pick up at the Blue Elephant on Wickenden st. on Friday between 7am and 4pm. Just let us know you're coming!
And while my whole pies are $20 on delivery, the Blueberry is a wee bit different. While I did find a great deal on berries gas and other costs have forced me to price this pie at $22. I am very sorry, it'll go back to 20 on our next flavor, I promise!
Also a little news on the Market front, the Friday Burnside Park/Kennedy Plaza will be on this week, but next week the Market day falls on July 4th. While I would *LOVE* to say out in the park and sell apple pie (because you know that's what's coming up!) the market will shut down for the holiday. Just a head's up.
That's about all, folks, thanks so much for supporting our small business and being as kind and wonderful as y'all all have been over the past few months. Hope everyone is having a great week and an even better weekend planned.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
*Wednesday, June 11*
I'm really happy to announce that the traditional farmers' market season has begun. Starting Friday, June 13th (spooky!) the Kennedy Plaza/Burnside Park market will kick off at 11am till 3pm. This is excellent if you work downtown and need a nice lunch on your break, or if you happen to get off work early and need to pick up some things on your way out of town.
There's going to be a lot of wonderful vendors there, so take advantage! You can find information and directions here:
Also, the pie of the week. I've had a request for the Orange Buttercream Dream, which is an awesome pie. A cool sweet, tart and tangy orange melting on your tongue is the best cure for a hot day. And haven't we had those!!
That's it for this week, remember to call or email if you'd like a pie delivered and give a shout if you have any special orders. Keep cool, folks!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
* Wednesday, June 4,*
Very brief this week, just wanted to let y'all know this week's pie is a Honey Pie in two flavors, Chocolate and Vanilla.
Also there will be no more Hope High Farmers' Market for Cutie Pies. The regular season is beginning this Saturday and I do not qualify for it. So no market this week, but starting next Friday we'll be at the Downtown Market in front of Burnside Park right across from Kennedy Plaza. They've set it up really nice with tables, fun for the kids and dogs are welcome to take a stroll.
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and a better week to come.
Friday, May 30, 2008
*Friday, May 30*
Yes, I know I'm late this week, but as they say, better late than never.
Just a few things, I'll be at the Hope High market Saturday, tomorrow. And yes, I know it looks like rain, I'll still be there. Never fear, pie conquers all.
As to flavors, it's a mixed bag this week. Here's the list:
*Red Eye - a lemon whip with a raspberry center
*Espresso Chocolate Chip (y'all should be familiar with that one by now)
*Strawberry Pandora - a crushed strawberry with coconut
*Raspberry Zip - pretty much a pure, sweet raspberry
*Buckeye Pie - a chocolate, peanut butter, nougat
*Raspberry Crush - a fragrant coconut raspberry crushed together in total harmony
*Cherry - standard cherry pie, but only in my very small tiny taster size. I couldn't get enough cherries to make whole pies yet.
So there ya go. Here's wishing everyone a happy weekend and much better weather.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
*Tuesday, May 20*
Just a quick update, folks. Wanted to let y'all know the Pie of the Week! This
week there's a wonderful concoction of Raspberry Lime Rickey. Yes, like the drink, only in a pie! The Flavor is tart, sweet, limey and full of that wonderful berry. A delight in every bite.
There will be no Farmers' Market this week for Cutie Pies, but there are still some wonderful vendors in front of Hope High this Saturday between 9:30 and 12:00. Look for some great cheeses, wonderful breads and my favorite aquaculture farmer, Perry. Let him know Iris sent you, he'll give you a smile.
Also, in case you just need something chocolate or apple right now, look for Cutie Pies at Blue State Coffee on Thayer St. Those guys have been selling out quick!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Heritage and Invention Recipes: What We Do
Heritage recipes are pies that your grandmother, great grandmother or great great grandmother would have made, recipes that haven't been seen or made in more than two generations. It is very important to me, on a personal level and as a baker, to keep these recipes alive. Not only are they wonderful testaments to the inventive spirit, skill and resourcefulness of these men and women, but also a much healthier one.
If you look at the ingredient lists of todays pastries, cakes, breads and pies you'll notice at least one ingredient over and over again: Corn syrup. Corn syrup is an evil thing, sweetening things that don't need sweeteners and causing all sorts of health problems. We prefer not to use things like corn syrup, food coloring, glucose, fructose or any such preservatives. It is unnecessary. Working with heritage recipes insures we will never have to use modern preservatives, as these products didn't exist when the recipe was written and used.
Instead an apple will snap in your mouth rather than taste like warmed over apple sauce and blueberries will sparkle with fresh lemon rather than bottled lemon "flavoring". What exactly is "flavoring" anyway? The idea behind Cutie Pies isn't just good, local, organic and fresh as humanly possible desserts, it's also about letting natural ingredients speak for themselves in a way we haven't let them in a long time.
Our other type of pie, the Invention recipe, come out of the heads of the Cutie Bakers. While still using the principles behind a heritage recipe (local, fresh) our bakers create a new heritage that may not have been possible in the past.
A good example of an Invention recipe would be our Orange Buttercream Dream. The inspiration for this delicious fragrant little pie was the Creamsicle, that wonder of excellent childhood memories. Our baker, Iris Monroe, asked how exactly could she create this flavor using fresh, organic oranges, but in the confines of our mission to keep everything as natural as possible. She achieved what can be called the closest thing to a Creamsicle, in pie form, that defiantly tastes like the original frozen treat.
The other idea behind Cutie Pies as a company and as a responsible local community member is something special not often seen in business today: Fun.
With our three sizes; Whole Pies, Cutie Pie and Tiny Taster, you'll experience something fun and wonderful to look at and to taste. Our playful flavors range from a mammoth mountain of chocolate pie named The Helepolis (Greek for Taker of Cities) to the silly Bada-Bing Cherry. As to size, well, nothing can beat a Cutie Pie for a delightful, single serving or a Tiny Taster for nothing but a bite, however even our Whole Pie size will create ohs and ahs, especially after the first bite.
Thank you for taking the time to read about our company and thank you for supporting a small, budding local business that wants nothing but to serve excellent treats to an adoring public.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I love Birthday Pies.
It takes a kind of different person to forgo the usual cake thing and ask to have pie at their birthday party. Plus It gives Iris a chance to fuss about someone’s birthday besides Snorkles the wonder pug and me. Iris made a big huge blueberry pie for someone’s birthday and It was covered in pie crust stars and looked like a pretty flag.
We delivered it so fresh the pie dripped blueberry juice all down Iris’ hoody but even that came out in the wash.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Welcome to CutiePies!
For now, however, I am setting up the place so it will look pretty. That way when we go live the pies will be the star, now my bad writing or an ugly blog. So be patient, this will take a day or so.
The Original Cutiepie